< Victor Villarreal />
Victor Villarreal

Hi! I am

< Victor Villarreal />

DevSecOps, SRE & FullStack Engineer
Electronic and Telecommunications Technician
Ethical Hacker, CtF Player & Reverse Engineer

Acá va algún texto explicando mi experiencia en el Desarrollo de Software.


Acá va algún texto explicando mi experiencia en Seguridad Informática.


Acá va algún texto explicando mi experiencia Publicando, Deployando, Operando y Monitoreando Software.

Mis Proyectos

Develop, design, manufacture and sell smart IoT devices for personal, home and educational porpuses. Online store website implementation.

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Design, development and publish a website with the local pharmacy shifts and their geographic locations.

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Pinguino Project

Migrated legacy project website to new responsive documentation site based on Vuepress framework. I currently fulfill the role of project and community manager.

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